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Our Trainer


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          Maru Serrano

Mentor, Educator, Practitioner and Trainer. I facilitate individual sessions, children and family sessions as well as having a major portion of my teaching schedule dedicated to training Practitioners in Refining Practice Modules, Collaboration  groups and  Teachers Training towards certification since 2011. 

Being drawn as a child to Movement Arts and Martial Arts I started, as a teenager, training as a Shiatsu practitioner, as part of my formal Soto Zen Practice. I continued my journey studying Chinese Medicine, Eutony, the Feldenkrais Method and becoming a Certified Somatic Counselor, a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Teacher and studying Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, which gives my approach a trauma informed lens.


After meeting Ron Kurtz in 1998 it became obvious to me that all that I had done before had led my way to the practice of Hakomi. In 2000 I decided to move to Ashland, where he lived, to continue my learning and become his  student and one of his many assistants which I did from 2000 till his passing.


I am also a RUPI, Right Use of Power Institute, certified Teacher and currently expanding my view through the perspectives of Chava Shelvah, creator of the Child Space Method, a developmental oriented approach based on the Feldenkrais method that works with children and families and Jehudit Silver, a Feldenkrais Trainer from the lineage of Alon Talmi, who founded the Talmi Method, envisioning and systematizing the application of the Feldenkrais Method in the field of trauma and mental health.

Educational Director of both Hakomi Cascadia International, who holds a home and practice space for a diverse group of practitioners from Hong Kong to Europe, UK, USA and Canada, and Hakomi Cantabria, Spain, with residence in Spain.

I hold immense gratitude to all my teachers, alive and passed, and their teachers, and to my students and their students to be, and not one day goes by without me being moved by their vulnerability and courage and feeling honored to become part of their lineage.  


The approach I have is held in a spirit that resonates with what feels to me like a sacred, wholly, rightful human way of being and becoming in the world and with the world in relation: a grounding in deep listening with an embodied knowing of the way we are whole and at the same time open and constantly impressing each other with our presence, spaciousness and basic kindness to hold experience, trust to follow the rhythms of life's unfolding and healing. 


I bring an inclusive, non judgmental presence, a lifelong practice of mindfulness through zen Buddhism; mothering, dance, the visual arts, gardening, and cooking healthy meals have shaped me and I embody the lightness and sense of humor that a committed life and its journey through grief and loss can cultivate in us if we give room to it.


My passion for social change is evoked by my desire to nurture an environment that brings to light the unconscious processes and embodied habits that limit us and hold us back in relating deeply and creating authentic intimacy.



If you are interested you can contact me here.

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